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Image: Tijana Drndarski, Different kinds of beans on dark background, Unsplash, Unsplash Licence

Legume dreams: Contested futures of plant-based food

Research Library - Published: 23 Jul 2021
… Author(s): TABLE Published: In this paper, George Cusworth, Tara Garnett and Jamie Lorimer of the Oxford Livestock, … 69, p.102321.   Read the full paper here . Co-authors Tara Garnett and Jamie…

Podcast: How will plant-based food and drink evolve in 2020?

Research Library - Published: 03 Feb 2020
… chapter What is a healthy sustainable eating pattern? and Tara Garnett’s blog post Has veganism become a dirty word?   …
Image: Ella Olsson, Hummus Dip, Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic

The Long Read: Why do people hate vegans?

Research Library - Published: 04 Nov 2019
… Consumption and diets Read the full piece here . See also Tara Garnett’s FCRN blog post Has veganism become a dirty word? …

New report: Sustainable Consumption Project

Research Library - Published: 05 Sep 2013
… One of the working groups was co-chaired by FCRN’s Tara Garnett and focused on defining a set of key principles for …

Appetite for Change: social, economic and environmental transformations in China’s food system

Research Library - Published: 05 Mar 2014
… collaboration in these and other areas. Citation: Garnett T and Wilkes A (2014).  Appetite for Change: social, … We are grateful for their support. About the authors Dr Tara Garnett runs the  Food…