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New report: Sustainable Consumption Project

This new policy report entitled ‘Sustainable consumption report: Follow-up to the green food project’, has been published by the UK’s Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and follows up from The Green Food Project (GFP) and the Defra Foresight report.

The report summarises the work of three working groups featuring experts from industry, NGOs, and academia. One of the working groups was co-chaired by FCRN’s Tara Garnett and focused on defining a set of key principles for a sustainable and healthy diets. Other working groups focused on encouraging consumer behaviour change in favour of greener foods and how to deliver both sustainable consumption and economic growth in the agricultural sector.

The healthy and sustainable diets working group devised a set of eight key principles of a healthy and sustainable diet:

  1. Eat a varied balanced diet to maintain a healthy body weight.
  2. Eat more plant based foods, including at least five portions of fruit and vegetables per day.
  3. Value your food. Ask about where it comes from and how it is produced. Don’t waste it.
  4. Moderate your meat consumption, and enjoy more peas, beans, nuts, and other sources of protein.
  5. Choose fish sourced from sustainable stocks. Seasonality and capture methods are important here too.
  6. Include milk and dairy products in your diet or seek out plant based alternatives, including those that are fortified with additional vitamins and minerals.
  7. Drink tap water
  8. Eat fewer foods high in fat, sugar and salt

To read more please see the full report as a pdf here or read an article in the Business Green here.

Previous outputs from the Green Food Project can be found here.

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