Please login or create an account to join the discussion.
The banner for "Ferment" the community platform of TABLE, with the tagline "brewing up a better food system". The background is bright orange with white bubbles rising and popping.

How to join the TABLE community platform


You are very welcome to join TABLE's community platform: a space for all to ask questions, post information, and start discussions about food sustainability. Here are instructions on how to sign up. For any queries, please contact


Step 1: Visit


Step 2: Click the “Log in” button at the top right. This will take you to the main TABLE website to set up an account, which you will be able to use both on the community platform ( and to comment on the main TABLE website (

Step 2


Step 3: Click “Create a new account”.

Step 3


Step 4: Fill in your details and choose a username. You also have the option to log in using an existing Facebook, Google or LinkedIn account. Complete the reCAPTCHA test (this is to prevent spam) and click “Register Now!”

Step 4


Step 5: You will receive a confirmation email from to the email address that you used to sign up. Check your spam folder if you can’t see it. Click the first link in the email and then click "Log in".

Step 6a


Step 6: Set your password then click “Save”.

Step 6b


Step 7: Click the “Community forum” button which will take you back to, where you should be logged in and ready to post. If you aren’t logged in automatically, you can use the “Log in” button to enter your email address or username and password again.

Step 7

Step 8: Enjoy the community platform! You can make a new discussion thread by clicking the “New topic” button.

Step 8