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Charcuterie plate with mustards, cheeses, fruits, relishes, bacon, and breads. Tim Toomey via Unsplash.

Meat, metrics and mindsets: Exploring debates on the role of livestock and alternatives in diets and farming

Building blocks - Published: 23 Mar 2023
… published by the   minute(s) read Author(s): Helen Breewood Tara Garnett Published: Should we eat meat, eggs, dairy and other …   Written by Helen Breewood, TABLE, University of Oxford Tara Garnett…
Climate Proof-Food Podcast

Podcast: Luke Spajic interviews Dr Tara Garnett

Research Library - Published: 18 Mar 2021
… Podcast: Luke Spajic interviews Dr Tara Garnett This content was originally published by the   … system research student Luke Spajic interviews Table’s Dr Tara Garnett on the history of research…

BBC World Service - The Why Factor - Vegans

Research Library - Published: 06 Feb 2018
… read Author(s): TABLE Published: The FCRN’s founder Dr Tara Garnett was interviewed on the BBC Worldservice’s Why Factor … and alternatives You can listen to the interview here . Tara’s interview…

Changing to healthier & more sustainable diets: how can this be achieved?

Research Library - Published: 12 May 2014
… can be downloaded by following the links below: Tara Garnett, Food Climate Research Network- FCRN , ECI, Oxford … healthy diets Forum  or by contacting the FCRN’s Tara Garnett directly: taragarnett…

Slides from interdisciplinary workshop available: Towards food system transparency

Research Library - Published: 24 Jul 2013
… on “Food system transparency: a policy perspective”, Tara Garnett (Convenor, Food Climate Research Network, …