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The principles of healthy and sustainable eating patterns

This report is produced as follow-on work to the Green Food Project, which focused on sustainable consumption and production. The Green Food Project report in July 2012 concluded that follow-on work was required to enable a broader and more sophisticated debate around the roles that diet and consumption play in the sustainability of the whole food system.

This new report stems from this work.  It sets out the key principles of a sustainable, healthy eating pattern and their rationale.

The group’s recommendations are as follows:

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Read the full report here.

The working group that produced these principles was chaired by Tara Garnett (Food Climate Research Network) and Maureen Strong (Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board).  

Note that the development of these principles was facilitated by the UK’s Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, who provided the secretariat and so forth.  However, unlike in other countries (such as Sweden and the Netherlands) these principles have not yet been taken on by the UK government and as such they do not yet have ‘official’ status.

For developments on sustainable healthy diet policy in other countries see our recent blogs focusing on the US and on Sweden.

You can also see a many more resources by searching for the keyword category Sustainable Healthy Diets. See also the category on consumption and diets for other relevant resources.

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