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Eating for Net Zero: How diet shift can enable a nature positive net-zero transition in the UK

Cover for the report titled “Eating for Net Zero: How diet shift can enable a nature positive net-zero transition in the UK” published by WWF in 2023, featuring a background photo of several bowls of plant-based dishes on a wooden table.

This report published by WWF-UK lays out how UK population diets can become more healthy and sustainable and how that shift can support national climate and nature targets.

The urgent challenges of ensuring food security, combating climate change, and reversing nature loss are tightly linked to our current food system. By comparing the current average diet and a new socially acceptable, healthy, and sustainable diet (referred to as the Livewell diet) this report by the WWF-UK makes the following key findings:

  • Achieving a healthy, sustainable UK diet is possible within current social norms, without costing more.
  • A shift to a healthier, more sustainable diet can transform agriculture. 
  • Diet and food choices are massively influenced by the food environment (availability, accessibility, affordability, and marketing).
  • The UK Government and businesses must ensure healthy, sustainable food is accessible and affordable for everyone, both now and in the future, especially in the face of increased living costs.

Overall, the report argues that we need to urgently shift to healthy, sustainable diets between now and 2030 to support a nature- positive net-zero transition in the UK. 

Read the full report here. See also the TABLE Explainer Meat metrics and mindsets: Exploring debates on the role of livestock and alternatives in diets and farming.

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