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Agricultural Transition Plan update: agroforestry

Image of cows in a tree lined field. Photo by Paul Keiffer via Unsplash

8.9ha has reported that Defra has recently provided an update on the post-Brexit agricultural transition plan, including 50 new actions in the Environmental Land Management (ELM) scheme and an update on how farm tenants are considered in ELM. 


8.9ha has reported that Defra has recently provided an update on the post-Brexit agricultural transition plan, including 50 new actions in the Environmental Land Management (ELM) scheme and an update on how farm tenants are considered in ELM. The article also details a 10% increase in Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) and Countryside Stewardship (CS) payments and higher payment rates for environmentally ambitious actions such asagroforestry.

The article goes on to share recent findings from a report published by the Organic Research Centre (ORC) related to the agroforestry ELM Test project on trees, woodlands, hedgerows, wood pasture, and parkland. The ORC explained that the updates provide adequate payment for an agroforestry system of 150 stems per hectare based on interviews with 30 farmers from the test project. They also detailed information regarding three-year SFI agreements for tenant farmers which don’t require landlord consent.

Read more here. See also the TABLE blog How to support our farmers in the transition to sustainable agriculture.

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