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Photo: Chafer machineries, Flickr, creative commons licence 2.0

Agriculture in 2050: Recalibrating Targets for Sustainable Intensification

Research Library - Published: 08 Mar 2017
… take a look at Foodsource chapter 1.6 Journal papers by Tara Garnett and collaborators (including the Science paper cited by Hunter et al in the paper): Garnett T, Appleby M C, Balmford A, Bateman…

New Paper: Putting Back Meaning into “Sustainable Intensification”

Research Library - Published: 09 Jul 2014
… and reports on sustainable intensification by the FCRN’s Tara Garnett, her colleague Charles Godfray and and other … doesn’t fit particularly well with the strong emphasis that Tara has placed, via…

Briefing – Innovation for Sustainable Intensification in Africa

Research Library - Published: 21 Oct 2013
… take a look at a number of publications to which FCRN’s Tara Garnett has contributed.  For example this report:   …