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Found 17 results

Breeding for productivity

Breeding for productivity and breeding for welfare: what is the relationship?

FCRN Publications - Published: 18 Mar 2015
… was originally published by the   minute(s) read Author(s): Tara Garnett Elin Röös Lotta Rydhmer Anna Wallenbeck Published: In this discussion paper, Tara Garnett and colleagues from SLU Sweden…
Public health benefits

Meat and dairy production & consumption: Exploring the livestock sector's contribution to the UK's greenhouse gas emissions

FCRN Publications - Published: 01 Nov 2007
… was originally published by the   minute(s) read Author(s): Tara Garnett Published: This paper explores the contribution that …
Livestock feed and food security. Source: UNFPA

Livestock, feed and food security

FCRN Publications - Published: 01 Jan 2010
… was originally published by the   minute(s) read Author(s): Tara Garnett Published: This briefing paper explores some of the …

Expert commentary by Prof Johan Rockström

Blog post - Published: 02 Oct 2017
… is one of 20 international scientists (among them FCRN's Dr Tara Garnett) working on the  EAT-Lancet Commission  on healthy … same time, there are shades of grey within the debate. And Tara et…
Image of communal cattle in China by ILRI via Flickr

Intensive versus extensive livestock systems and greenhouse gas emissions

FCRN Publications - Published: 01 Jan 2010
… was originally published by the   minute(s) read Author(s): Tara Garnett Published: The purpose of this briefing paper is to …