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Cover of the SLU-TABLE publication "Exploring the future of meat" (2024)

Exploring the future of meat: Navigating complex topics for better decision making

FCRN Publications - Published: 09 Feb 2024
… were adapted from the Gut Feelings and Possible Tomorrows (Garnett, 2015) report.  The aim was to dissect the different … and alternatives in diets and farming (Breewood and Garnett, 2023). 1…
Victory is in the Kitchen! Wartime lessons for today’s food systems? A blog by Eleanor Boyle

‘Victory is in the Kitchen’: Wartime lessons for today’s food systems?

Blog post - Published: 10 Aug 2022
… in Wartime Britain. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2022.   Garnett, Tara. “Plating up Solutions: Can Eating Patterns be both …