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Urban food strategies: The rough guide to sustainable food systems

In cooperation with 13 European research and policy partners, FiBL (The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture) analysed ways in which local distribution channels and new networks between producers and consumers could be supported. 

This work has culminated in a guide aimed at local governments on developing  sustainable urban food strategies.

You can read more here .  Alternatively download the full Rough guide to sustainable food systems here or a summary version here.

NB: We know that many of our FCRN members are working on urban food issues. We now have a forum page on our website dedicated to urban food issues – do please use it to discuss and share information among yourselves. Remember that you will need to be logged in to post a comment if you’ve forgotten your login details you can contact us here.

You may also be interested to know that we will be developing more fine grained ways of categorising members by your interests, so as to make it more easy for you to search for people with particular interests or expertise.  If you have any particular comments on how best to do this, do please send them through.

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