The interim report of the UK think tank Institute for Public Policy Research’s Environmental Justice Commission sets out a vision for the transformation of society and the economy. It argues that it is essential to put people at the heart of solving the climate and nature crises.
FCRN readers may be particularly interested in the following points related to food:
- p17: The Commission is exploring how to reform land use and restore ocean health, including looking at “agricultural reform, nature based solutions, healthier diets and improvements in the quality and availability of affordable food”.
- p30: Land degradation is harming agricultural productivity, and extreme climate events have contributed to food crises.
- p41: Some low-carbon technologies have problematic supply chains. For example, bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) would likely have severe impacts on food security if deployed at a large scale.
- p43: The report argues that a fair agricultural payments system would include payments for production of public goods such as flood relief and carbon storage.
- p55: The report discusses a shift away from high-meat diets as a possible means of reducing environmental damage.
- p64: The UK imports over half of its food, and could become more dependent on food imports if diets shift away from meat and dairy and towards fruit and vegetables, as will be needed to meet climate change targets.
Read the full report, Faster, further, fairer: Putting people at the heart of tackling the climate and nature emergency, here. See also the Foodsource chapter What is a healthy sustainable eating pattern?
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