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A One Health approach to food

A One Health approach to food - the Double Pyramid connecting food culture, health and climate

This report by the Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition presents a “Double Pyramid” of food systems, which aims to illustrate eating styles that are both healthy and environmentally sustainable. The model (view it here) uses a “health” pyramid and a “climate pyramid”. In both, foods are placed vertically according to whether it is advised to eat them more frequently (towards the bottom of the pyramids) or less frequently (towards the top of the pyramids).


Foods are ranked in the health pyramid according to their contribution to cardiovascular disease, because this is the top cause of death and disability worldwide. 

The report outlines how the Double Pyramid model could be applied in different regions, taking into account local food preferences and commonly used ingredients.

Read the full report, A One Health approach to food - the Double Pyramid connecting food culture, health and climate, here. See also the Table explainer What is a healthy sustainable eating pattern?

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