The 2024 EU Strategic Dialogue on Agriculture proposes a vision for sustainable, resilient, and competitive European agri-food systems, including a benchmark system for sustainability measuring, adapting the CAP to address climate and economic challenges, and mobilising private and public finance for a just transition fund.
Publisher’s Summary
Together, the members of the Dialogue have produced a comprehensive set of guiding political principles and recommendations. They consider the diversity and complexity of agri-food systems01 , while the specific factors, interdependencies and trade-offs that have led to the current imbalances must be systematically addressed. The final report of the Strategic Dialogue serves as an orientation for action to create socially responsible, economically profitable, and environmentally sustainable agrifood systems. It is addressed to the European institutions, in particular to the European Commission in all its related portfolios, and to the Member States. Through the process of the Strategic Dialogue, its members have laid the ground for a new culture of engagement and cooperation that refects their determination to work together for a sustainable, resilient, and competitive future.
With its recommendations, the Strategic Dialogue acknowledges that the transition of the agri-food systems inevitably implies conficting interests and complex trade-ofs which can only be resolved through compromise. This requires a stable starting point and shared foundations and objectives to steer the sector’s transition which can be subsumed in ten guiding political principles.
Read more here. See also the TABLE explainer, What is ecomodernism?
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