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Edible fats and oils - Creating a collaboration for change

FCRN member Samuel Smith of international sustainability non-profit Forum for the Future has contributed to this report, which sets out the case for organisations to act on the sustainability of all the fats and oils in their supply chains, including but not limited to palm oil.

The report outlines current sustainability challenges associated with edible fats and oils, including deforestation driven by palm oil and soybean crops, depletion of fish stocks (an important source of omega-3 fatty acids), and health implications of consuming either too much or not enough of different types of fat and oil.

Forum for the Future sets out its vision for a three-year programme of work on the sustainability of edible fats and oils, which will reframe the debate, support innovation and drive change across key influencer groups such as industry, investors and policymakers. Organisations are invited to join the collaboration.

Read the full report, The Edible Fats and Oils Challenge: Creating a Powerful Collaboration for Change, here. The report is an output of Forum for the Future’s initiative Edible Fats and Oils Collaboration, which has also produced the report The Edible Fats and Oils Challenge Background: Insights and Trends. See also the Foodsource building block What is land use and land use change?

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