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Eating Better report on policies to support better UK meat and dairy production post-Brexit

Eating Better, an alliance of British organisations working together to help people move towards eating less meat and dairy, has published a policy report entitled ‘Beyond the CAP: policies to support better UK meat and dairy production post-Brexit’.

The report calls policy makers involved in Brexit and future trade deals to set high environmental standards, especially for meat and dairy products. Arguing that the EU’s Common Agricultural policy (CAP) insufficiently addresses important issues such as climate change and pollution, it sets out ten recommendations for a new food strategy to replace the CAP.

You can find the full report as well as a two-page summary here.

You may also wish to look at this report by the UK’s Food Standard’s Agency which outlines plans for future food regulation. FCRN member Tim Lang has co-authored entitled ‘A Food Brexit: time to get real’ (pdf); see also his blog post on the same topic on the FCRN website.

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