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Found 218 results

Soil carbon sequestration: opportunities and limitations

FCRN Publications - Published: 01 May 2010
… was originally published by the   minute(s) read Author(s): Tara Garnett Published: This paper summarises the presentations …
Photo: Joshua Rappeneker, Flickr, Creative Commons License 2.0

Special issue on food and eating in Discover Society

Research Library - Published: 16 Sep 2016
… is entirely dedicated to the topic of food and eating. Tara Garnett has contributed with an article on sustainable …
Livestock feed and food security. Source: UNFPA

Livestock, feed and food security

FCRN Publications - Published: 01 Jan 2010
… was originally published by the   minute(s) read Author(s): Tara Garnett Published: This briefing paper explores some of the …

Soil Carbon Workshop

FCRN Publications - Published: 21 Jan 2010
… was originally published by the   minute(s) read Author(s): Tara Garnett Published: This workshop was organised by the Food …

Cooking up a storm: Food, GHG emissions and our changing climate

Research Library - Published: 01 Sep 2008
… cycle analysis methodology upon which the report has drawn. Tara Garnett September 2008 Post a new comment » Your name Login …