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Image: Skitterphoto, London Piccadilly Circus, Pixabay, Pixabay Licence

Decoupling Desire: How can the advertising sector promote better, or less, consumption?

Blog post - Published: 23 May 2022
… annual carbon footprint of every Briton.  Chaired by Dr. Tara Garnett (Director at TABLE and Researcher at University of … discusses difficulties around changing consumer behaviour   Tara raised…
Animal efficiencies, welfare

Animal efficiencies, animal welfare: either/or, or both/and? Some Reflections from an Informal Meeting

FCRN Publications - Published: 16 Jan 2015
… was originally published by the   minute(s) read Author(s): Tara Garnett Marian Dawkins Jude Capper Elin Röös Published: Some … efficiency/intensity Ruminant Late December last year Tara Garnett ,…
collage of historical adverts for protein foods

Primed for power: a short cultural history of protein. Section 6: Epilogue

FCRN Publications - Published: 06 Sep 2023
… published by the   minute(s) read Author(s): Tamsin Blaxter Tara Garnett Published: Table of contents: Introduction Section … Section 6: Epilogue Suggested citation: Blaxter, T., & Garnett, T…
Thumbnail preview of protein meaning map for the UK

Protein meaning maps: UK

FCRN Publications - Published: 18 Jul 2023
… coming decades we can only wait and see. About the authors Tara Garnett is the director of TABLE and based in London. Tamsin …
Asistentes al lanzamiento de MESA Colombia. Imagen de MESA/Uniandes

Lanzamiento en Colombia de "MESA: Debates sobre el futuro de la alimentación"

Blog post - Published: 16 Apr 2024
… estuvo de forma virtual la directora de TABLE, la Dr. Tara Garnett quien explicó los enfoques y métodos promovidos por …