Devex, an independent news organisation covering global development, has reported on recent activity of the UN International Fund. The council meeting had a strong focus on investment in new technologies and the need to support the business innovation by smallholder farmers in rural communities and in lower-income countries.
Devex, an independent news organisation covering global development, has reported on recent activity of the UN International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) which held its annual Governing Council meeting in Rome. New technologies such as AI and blockchain have become a central focus for the fund in its efforts to help smallholder farmers in the face of climate change and economic instability. IFAD will focus on “small-AI”, easier to adopt technologies like weather forecasts, early warning systems and irrigation treatment tips, rather than large and expensive generative AI like ChatGPT. The council meeting had a strong focus on investment in new technologies and the need to support the business innovation by smallholder farmers in rural communities and in lower-income countries.
Read more here and see our podcast episode on food systems investors and our investor briefing: plating up progress part 1 and part 2
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