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Startups making use of new technologies to improve sustainability

Figure 2: Photo Credit: Sarah R, Ugly But Good!, Flickr, Creative Commons License 2.0
Figure 2: Photo Credit: Sarah R, Ugly But Good!, Flickr, Creative Commons License 2.0

This Guardian article introduces UK startups which aim to improve quality and reduce the environmental impact of food, using new technologies to facilitate their business. The article notes that the number of startups have begun growing in recent years, as the issue of sustainability become more important to consumers. These companies normally sell produce that would go unsold in other circumstances.

The food sector is notoriously difficult to break into and the article explores some of the obstacles in further depth. Reasons discussed include the fact that the food sector is a low margin sector and that startups have to count on customers breaking the life-long habit of shopping in supermarkets.

The recent failure of Hubbub (which delivered food from independent shops to consumers) has made many people concerned about the market and opportunities for smaller businesses. However, getting a concept right can make all the difference and sometimes startups can have the edge on larger companies like Amazon Fresh. The article argues that the food sector looks set to change, and often smaller companies can more quickly respond to feedback and adapt their methods accordingly..

Read more on: The Guardian


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