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Recording: An open discussion on power in the food system

power event flyer

On 8 December 2021, TABLE hosted and recorded an open discussion about power in the food system with representatives from civil society, academia, media and the private sector.  At TABLE we recognise that our own biases and perspectives influence how we think about power in the food system. The purpose of this event was to hear a range of different views and understandings of power. This kick off event for our power theme helps us think about who and what shapes, controls and influences past, present and future food systems.


This open-ended discussion kicks off TABLE's theme on 'power in the food system' with a conversation between representatives of four sectors:

  • Media: Eddy Wax - Reporter covering food and agriculture for POLITICO in Brussels.
  • Academia: Wendy Godek - Professor of Politics and International Relations with focus on Latin American food and agriculture politics
  • Civil society: Shefali Sharma - Director of Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) Europe
  • Private: Sahil Shah - Co-founder of agri-tech company Sustainable Seaweed and policy consultant
  • Moderator: Matthew Kessler, Research and Communications officer for TABLE at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

We're curious to hear your views about power in the food system. Continue the conversation on our community platform.

Please find the recording below and we'll soon link to additional resources as we develop our power theme.

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