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Prisoner's labour in the US linked to hundreds of popular food brands

Image of corporate logos from various food companies.

The Associated Press has recently reported on links between US prison force labour and major food brands such as Coca-Cola and Frosted Flakes, which are on the shelves of retailers such as Aldi, Target, and Whole Foods. The AP cites that Cargill, Bunge, Louis Dreyfus, Archer Daniels Midland and Consolidated Grain have all purchased millions of dollars worth of soy, corn, and wheat harvested by prisoners. This also directly competes with sales for local farmers.


The Associated Press has recently reported on links between US prison force labour and major food brands such as Coca-Cola and Frosted Flakes, which are on the shelves of retailers such as Aldi, Target, and Whole Foods. Whilst agriculture accounts for a relatively small portion of prison labour, the AP traced nearly $200 million in sales of farmed goods and livestock to corporations in the past six years. The AP notes this figure does not include sales to state and government entities.

On top of gaining access to a cheap work force, the AP reports that companies can also gain access to tax credits. Incarcerated workers often lack access to basic workers’ protections like federal safety standards and workers’ compensation.

The AP notes hypocrisies of US import bans citing a block of cotton shipments from China linked to forced or prison labour whilst simultaneously allowing crops harvested via US prisoner labour to enter into international supply chains including China. The AP cites that Cargill, Bunge, Louis Dreyfus, Archer Daniels Midland and Consolidated Grain have all purchased millions of dollars worth of soy, corn, and wheat harvested by prisoners. This directly competes with sales for local farmers.

Read more here and see also our podcast episode on Food in Prisons.

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