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PODCAST: Liz Goodwin on Reducing Food Loss and Waste — Lessons from the UK

Photo credit: Steven Depolo, Rotting Peach Moldy, Flickr, Creative Commons License 2.0
Photo credit: Steven Depolo, Rotting Peach Moldy, Flickr, Creative Commons License 2.0

On this episode of the World Resources Institute (WRI) podcast, Lawrence MacDonald interviews Dr Liz Goodwin, who is a WRI senior fellow and their first Director of food loss and waste.

Goodwin, a British businesswoman and environmentalist, was previously CEO of the Waste Resources & Action Programme (WRAP), which catalyzed a national program that reduced UK food loss and waste by 21 percent.

Goodwin explores lessons from the UK success, and how she plans to lead efforts globally to attain Sustainable Development Goal Target 12.3 to halve food waste by 2030, while also reducing food losses. Goodwin provides insights into how families, companies and governments can reduce food loss and waste to feed a growing world population while also reducing food waste-related emissions, a major driver of climate change.

To listen to this 30 minute long podcast, click here.

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