In the wake of the IPCC’s Working Group II report, Oxfam has published a briefing that focuses on the implications of climate change for food security and hunger.
Climate change threatens to put back the fight to eradicate hunger by decades – and our global food system is unprepared to cope with the challenge. New evidence from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is likely to show that the impact of climate change on global hunger will hit harder and sooner than previously thought.
In this briefing, Oxfam analyses ten key factors that influence a country’s ability to feed its people in a warming world, including the quality of weather monitoring systems, social safety nets, agricultural research and adaptation finance. Across all ten areas Oxfam has found a serious gap between what is happening and what is needed to protect our food systems. And that it is the world’s poorest and most food insecure countries that are generally the least prepared for and most susceptible to harmful climate change.
Ratcliff, A., Hot and Hungry: How to stop climate change derailing the fight against hunger, Oxfam Media briefings, Oxfam International
You can read the full report here. It is also available in Spanish and French.
You can read other resources on Food security, hunger and climate change on our website here.
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