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Our future in the land

The final report of the UK’s Food, Farming and Countryside Commission sets out 15 recommendations to policymakers, business and communities across the areas of healthy food, a ‘fourth agricultural revolution’ based on agroecological principles, and rural communities. 

The recommendations are:

Healthy food

  • Align business interests with the provision of good food
  • Grow the UK supply of fruit, vegetables, nuts and pulses, and use those ingredients more
  • Use public procurement to transform the market
  • Establish collaborative community food plans to help inform and implement national food strategies and meet the different needs of communities around the UK
  • Reconnect people and nature to boost health and wellbeing

A ‘fourth agricultural revolution’ accounting for social and ecological issues

  • Design a ten-year transition plan for sustainable, agroecological farming by 2030
  • Back innovation by farmers
  • Make sure every farmer can get trusted, independent advice by training peer mentors and farmer support networks
  • Boost cooperation and collaboration by extending support for Producer Organisations to all sectors
  • Establish a National Agroecology Development Bank to accelerate a fair and sustainable transition

A countryside that works for all

  • Establish a national land use framework in England to mediate and encourage multipurpose uses
  • Invest in skills and infrastructure to underpin the rural economy
  • Create more work in the regenerative economy
  • Develop sustainable solutions to meet rural housing needs
  • Establish a National Nature Service to allow young people to experience working on sustainable rural projects

See reactions to the report here:

Read the full report, Our Future in the Land, here. See also the related film God’s Lone Country and the Foodsource building block What is land use and land use change?

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