This special issue of the newsletter Forest Cover, produced by the Global Forest Coalition, focuses on large-scale cattle farming and its interactions both with other food production systems and with forests.
The contents of the special issue are:
- Editorial: Time for a transformation in global food production
- Industrial livestock farming in Brazil and its incompatibility with agroecological systems
- Perfecting inequality: Industrial vs traditional livestock farming in Paraguay
- Traditional and industrial livestock farming in Masisi, DRC: Between paradise and hell
- Agrarian reform, counter-reform, and the contrast between agroecological systems and industrial cattle ranching in Chile
- The ecological footprint of industrial cattle ranching in Mexico: The case of SuKarne
- Cattle ranching on wetlands in Argentina: Doing the impossible
Read the special issue, Forest Cover 58: Large-scale cattle farming and its consequences for forests, agroecology and biodiversity, here. See also the Foodsource building block What is land use and land use change?
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