FCRN member Danilo Pezo has contributed to this synthesis paper, which is based on the Programme on Forests‘ project Leveraging Agricultural Value Chains to Enhance Tropical Tree Cover and Slow Deforestation.
The synthesis paper uses case studies to illustrate how food supply chains can be changed to reduce deforestation and promote increased tree cover. The case studies include ones on:
- Sustainability certification for palm oil in Indonesia
- A moratorium on soy produced on deforested land in Brazil
- Collaboration between meat processors and NGOs to avoid beef produced on deforested land
- Silvopastoral systems for beef and dairy production in Costa Rica
- Shaded coffee and cocoa production in Cote d’Ivoire and Ghana
- Agroforestry for shea production in sub-Saharan Africa
Read more here and download the full synthesis paper here (PDF link). See also the Foodsource building block What is land use and land use change?
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