The Farm Carbon Cutting Toolkit (FCCT) has launched a crowdfunding campaign to support UK farmers in adopting Carbon Farming techniques. This approach aims to minimise carbon emissions and maximise carbon sequestration on farms, particularly in soils.
FCCT notes that farmers currently do not have clear advice on how to measure soil carbon changes, understand how to increase levels, and what the benefits are in doing so. Their project will work closely with 10 diverse trial farms across the UK for three years to provide the data on soil carbon that they believe is needed to show that Carbon Farming techniques work. The project will carefully monitor the carbon footprint of the trial farmers, as well as soil organic matter levels. Farmers will be asked what practices work for them and the impact that they are having on their business.
This project is being launched through Crowdfunder and will be open from Monday 13th February until the 10th March 2017.
More information about the campaign is available on the FCCT website or on the Crowdfunder website.
FCRN member Becky Wilson leads the FCCT project. She has written a blog on the FCRN entitled ‘Communicating carbon reduction schemes to farmers, busting preconceptions, driving efficiency and profit’ which you can read here.
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