The launch of the new vegetarian alternative to the meatballs – grönsaksbullar - is what Ikea calls “the first step to include a wider variety of healthier and more sustainable food choices”.
When interviewed by Meat Info, Michael La Cour, managing director of Ikea Food Services AB, said: “We will continue to serve delicious food, offering a taste of Sweden at affordable prices, but with increasing focus on the aspects of food that are really important to people; health and sustainability. We have high ambitions, and our journey in this direction has just begun. I am proud that we now take the first step and start serving veggie balls.”
In its press release Ikea says more about its commitments to health and sustainability as follows:
- Health - We will provide more food options that include nutritious ingredients and consider portion sizes.
- Sustainability – Increased focus on choice of ingredients and responsible production, including animal welfare. Salmon and herring are important parts of our Swedish heritage food. By the end of FY15, our restaurants and all seafood at IKEA will be ASC or MSC certified, except crayfish. We are currently working with the MSC organisation to certify crayfish fisheries.
Read the Ikea press-release here and an article on the topic here.
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