This report by the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition finds that 62% of national biodiversity policies show no intentional connections between biodiversity and nutrition, despite deep interconnections and synergies between biodiversity, nutrition and food security.
Publisher’s summary
Recognising that climate and nutrition are generally not well connected and that biodiversity loss is deeply connected to the causes and consequences of the climate crisis, this report takes the baseline assessment a step further to analyse nutritionbiodiversity linkages in National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs).
Biodiversity is deeply interlinked with nutrition action and food security. Diverse diets, sourced from a rich variety of plants and animals, offer a wide range of nutrient-rich foods, including essential vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients necessary for nutritional support in human health.
Biodiversity also supports soil health, affecting the Executive Summary nutrient composition of crops, pollination, and pest control, all of which are critical for sustainable food systems. Furthermore, traditional and local knowledge systems (which are often connected to biodiversity conservation) preserve sustainable and nutritious food practices, fostering resilience against environmental and socio-economic challenges and enhancing the nutritional value of crops and livestock.
This report does not seek to add to the global body of evidence on links between biodiversity, food systems, and nutrition outcomes, but rather to provide an analysis on the extent to which nutrition sensitivity is integrated into biodiversity strategies. NBSAPs provide strategic direction at the national level for the management of biodiversity, outlining specific actions, targets, and policies to help conserve and sustainably use biological resources. Governments are required to submit these documents to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and align them with globally agreed goals on biodiversity. Since the launch of the CBD’s Kunming Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) in 2022, Parties to the Convention (i.e., governments) are encouraged to update their NBSAPs in line with the GBF by COP16 in October 2024.
Read more here. See TABLE explainer, How are food systems, diets and health connected?
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