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Growing Resilience: Feeding the city in challenging times

Growing Resilience: Feeding the city in challenging times

This essay collection from Dutch food innovation centre Flevo Campus discusses how the food system can become more resilient, bearing in mind the important events of 2020, including Brexit, the Black Lives Matter movement, and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Publisher’s summary

Even in a less eventful year, it’s no easy feat: working to make our food supply healthy and sustainable. But 2020 brought a spate of new challenges. It was the year of Brexit, Black Lives Matter, and the COVID-19 pandemic. A year of hope and loss and solidarity, of masks and worries and Zoom calls. Of infection sweeping through the meatpacking industry and sometimes, of empty supermarket shelves. It was also the year that brought us the glimmering realisation that everything could be different.

When so much has changed – how we work, who we spend time with, how far we venture from home – what all might be possible for food and for farming? In Flevo Campus’s latest collection of essays, thirteen journalists, scholars, and thought leaders from the US, the Netherlands, and the UK share insight into the question: How can we build resilience into our food supply – and grow more resilient ourselves?

Every year, Flevo Campus publishes the best work on feeding the cities of today and tomorrow. This year’s edition includes essays by Stephen Satterfield, Charles C. Mann, Herman Lelieveldt, Hester Dibbits, Kelly Streekstra, Sigrid Wertheim-Heck, Anke Brons, Joris Lohman, Sebastiaan Aalst, Marian Stuiver, Frank Verhoeven, Emily Whyman, and Lenno Munnikes.



Flevo Campus (2021). Growing resilience: Feeding the city in challenging times - The 2020-2021 Flevo Campus yearbook. Van Gennep Publishing, Amsterdam.


Read more and download the free e-book here. See also the Table explainer Impacts of climatic and environmental change on food systems.

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