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Food tech trends in 2024

Robot cutting fruit. Credit: Kindel Media via Pexels.

This analysis by Digital Food Labs identifies 28 FoodTech trends and grouped them into six megatrends shaping the future of food: the resilient farm, sustainable proteins, food as medicine, the smart supply chain, instant retail, and food automation. 

Publisher's Summary

Innovation is coming from researchers and large corporations and, above all, from startups. Indeed, the entrepreneurial mindset is more agile and enables more risky ventures. While food was long discarded as not disruptive enough for investments, things have changed, and now startups are getting heavily funded to reinvent the way we grow food, shop and cook it. From our analysis, we have identified 28 FoodTech trends and grouped them into six megatrends shaping the future of food: the resilient farm, sustainable proteins, food as medicine, the smart supply chain, instant retail, and food automation. This year, in addition to reviewing the trends, we added a larger introduction to the factors driving this revolution towards a third stage of food (after a long period of scarcity and a more recent period of abundance), which we call Digital Food. 

Like many other industries, agriculture, food and retail companies have externalised long-term innovation to research centres. These are good at delivering relevant research results but not transforming them into new products. Startups, however, using this research, are leading the food revolution. 

Startups alone won’t have sufficient leverage (and capital) to change the whole food supply chain. While some of this revolution will be led by startups, for the main part, it will be incumbent leaders, through partnerships, investments and acquisitions, that will manage this transition. 


Read more here. See also the TABLE explainer, What is ecomodernism? 

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