This report from the Food Research Collaboration looked at both the National Food Strategy for England, The Plan, published in July 2021 and the resulting Government Food Strategy.
This report from the Food Research Collaboration looked at both the National Food Strategy for England, The Plan, published in July 2021 and the resulting Government Food Strategy.
Based on these previous documents the authors of this report claim that a key factor not accounted for in both is that of food marketing. The report goes on to discuss how current food and drink marketing is detrimental to public health and sustainability in the UK. To combat this it recommends a complete overhaul of current government policy around food marketing, in particular a complete ban on all media advertising of unhealthy foods to help drive consumer demand for healthier and more sustainable products.
Publisher's summary
Our food choices and purchases are highly influenced by marketing. This new Policy Insight by Tanya Haffner and Amy Culliford examines how the food marketing environment (traditional advertising, online marketing, marketing strategies) contributes to diet-related ill health. The authors analyse how the considerable power of food companies could be leveraged to drive change towards healthier and more sustainable diets. They recommend alternative policies that would ban or restrict advertising of unhealthy foods and instead would increase marketing and promotion of healthy foods that can help enable a shift towards more healthy and sustainable diets.
Read the full report The food marketing environment: A force for or against human and planetary health? - Food Research Collaboration here. See also the TABLE Research Library item on Reactions to England’s Food Strategy.
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