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Final report of the Oxford Martin Commission for Future Generations

Lanched on the 16 October 2013, the final report of the Oxford Martin Commission for Future Generations Now for the Long Term, is now available online.  

This report calls for a radical shake-up in politics and business to deliver progress on climate change, to reduce economic inequality, improve corporate practices and address the chronic burden of disease.

The Commission behind this report was Chaired by Pascal Lamy, former Director-General of the World Trade Organization, and made up of Michelle Bachelet, Lionel Barber, Professor Roland Berger, Professor Ian Goldin, Arianna Huffington, Dr Mo Ibrahim, Luiz Felipe Lampreia, Minister Liu He, Professor Kishore Mahbubani, Minister Trevor Manuel, Julia Marton-Lefèvre, Minister Nandan Nilekani, Lord Patten, Baron Piot, Lord Rees, Professor Amartya Sen, Lord Stern and Jean-Claude Trichet.

The report is the product of a year long process of research and debate on the successes and failures of the past decades in addressing global challenges. The Commission seeks to address the growing short-term preoccupations of politics and to break the current gridlock in dealing with key global problems. The report looks at possible governance approaches for the future and presents some ‘megatrends’ and challenges that need to be addressed. Covering issues that include population, finance and economic reform, energy supply, climate change, food security and technological change, it argues that the scale of these challenges means decision-making must be improved to consider the implications for coming decades.

The report ends by articulating an Agenda for the Long Term, encompassing five principles for moving forward on achieving ‘practical futures’:

1. Creative Coalitions

Invest in multi-stakeholder partnerships to prompt deeper change, learning and practical action.

2. Innovative, Open and Reinvigorated Institutions

Ensure 21st century institutions and measurements are open, fit for purpose and steered towards long-term resilience.

3. Revalue the Future

Adjust political, legal and economic structures in favour of future generations.

4. Invest in Younger Generations

Foster a more inclusive and empowered society by prioritising and accelerating efforts to address child poverty and create new employment and training opportunities for young people.

5. Establish a Common Platform of Understanding: renewed dialogue on an updated set of shared global values around which a unified and enduring pathway for society can be built.

To read more about the report visit the Oxford Martin programme website where you can also Download the Report or the Download Executive Summary.

The commission invites you to engage in discussing these issues here.

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