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EU rules could see plant-based burgers named ‘veggie discs’

Image: Shpernik088, Vegan burger, Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International
Image: Shpernik088, Vegan burger, Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International

The European parliament’s agriculture committee has approved a ban on using words such as ‘burger’, ‘sausage’, ‘steak’ or ‘escalope’ to name vegetarian food products. The proposal will not become law unless approved by the full parliament, which will not vote on the issue until after May 2019’s elections.

In an open letter to MEPs, several NGOs (including Humane Society International, Greenpeace EU, Compassion in World Farming EU and BirdLife Europe and Central Asia) argue against the move, saying there is no evidence that consumers are confused by current labelling practices.

Read media coverage here: ‘Veggie discs’ to replace veggie burgers in EU crackdown on food labels (The Guardian) and ‘Veggie Discs’ Could Replace Burgers Under European Food Labeling Proposal. See also the Foodsource resource What are the influences on our food choices?

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