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Donor mapping - Global sustainable food and agriculture: a landscape assessment

This is a new report commissioned by the Global Alliance for the Future of Food in collaboration with the Meridian Institute for use by Global Alliance members. 

The Global Alliance is a coalition of foundations that have come together to help shift food and agriculture systems towards greater sustainability, security, and equity.  In this report they aim to provide a high level assessment and overview of the philanthropic donor landscape in relation to sustainable food and agriculture systems. The report represents a synthesis of several parallel and complementary efforts:

• The development of 24 donor profiles, based on individual, structured interviews with donors, including members of the Global Alliance as well as those from the broader community of foundations working in this space;

• The identification of critical issues facing sustainable food and agriculture systems, based on a literature scan and an analysis—through the interviews and an online survey—of donor-identified priorities; and

• The development of case studies that illustrate integrative and holistic approaches to addressing many of the identified critical issues and that provide insights into donor roles and experiences in supporting those efforts.

The report provides a good overview of the broader landscape of donors and stakeholders supporting activities related to food system sustainability challenges.

Read the full report here.  You can also see a donor mapping carried out by the Meridian Institute in 2013 here.

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