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Cookbook for systems change: Nordic innovation strategies

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The Nordic Food Policy Lab has produced an online “Cookbook for systems change”, co-authored by former Table colleague Marie Persson. Using a “mission-based” approach, the Cookbook sets out strategies that can be used to trigger food systems innovation. It is primarily aimed at national and regional government innovation bodies, but also discusses the role that entrepreneurs, civil society and researchers can play.

The Cookbook covers:

  • Challenges faced by food systems in Nordic countries and around the world
  • An explanation of the “mission-based approach” to societal innovation
  • How a portfolio of “demonstrator” experiments can transform complex systems
  • Next steps and a list of related resources.

Access the full resource, Cookbook for systems change – Nordic innovation strategies for sustainable food systems, here. See also the Table explainer What can be done to shift eating patterns in healthier, more sustainable directions?

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