This case study from UK sustainability consultancy 3Keel describes 3Keel’s work with seven European retailers to quantify the amount of soymeal used for animal feed in these supply chains, identify where the soy was produced and determine whether any of that soy was certified as being deforestation-free.
This case study from UK sustainability consultancy 3Keel describes 3Keel’s work with seven European retailers to quantify the amount of soymeal used for animal feed in these supply chains, identify where the soy was produced and determine whether any of that soy was certified as being deforestation-free.
It finds that 26% of the soymeal assessed was certified as being from regions where deforestation did not occur, and that the policies of retailers are driving demand for deforestation-free soy. The report suggests that policymakers could support the development of certification and supply chain standards by promoting data transparency, and that suppliers should incorporate the fraction of deforestation-free soymeal into their feed specifications.
Read the full report, Moving to deforestation free animal feed: 2018 Retail Soy Initiative, here. See also the Foodsource resource How do food systems affect land-use and biodiversity? and the brief Soy and environmental compliance in Brazil: an undervalued risk for global markets.
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