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The Asia Alternative Protein Industry Report 2020

This report by Hong Kong media platform Green Queen gives an overview of alternative protein startups in Asia, in the categories of cultivated protein (e.g. laboratory-grown meat), modern processed plant-based products, and whole-food alternatives (such as jackfruit or lion’s mane mushrooms, which are sometimes used to mimic the texture of meat despite not having the same protein content). The authors argue that Asia’s alternative protein industry is likely to overtake US and European brands because of demand from Asia’s growing middle class, relatively low production costs and products that are tailored to local tastes.

Startups featured in the report include GoodDot, Omnipork, ZhenMeat and Unlimeat.

Read the full report, The Asia Alternative Protein Industry Report 2020, here. See also the Foodsource building block Soy: food, feed, and land use change.

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