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AGROECOLOGY Partnership releases a pre-announcement for an upcoming research call on ''Fostering agroecology at farm and landscape levels"

Photo of a fruiting shrub in a forest landscape. Image by PROJETO CAFÉ GATO-MOURISCO via Unsplash

A recent press release by FACCE-JPI, a joint EU programming initiative on agriculture, food security and climate change, has detailed a pre-announcement for an upcoming research call on ''Fostering agroecology at farm and landscape levels.”

The call prioritises transdisciplinary research and innovation projects and covers two geographic scales:

Theme 1 –at the farm level and its immediate surroundings
Theme 2 –at the landscape or territorial level

The official call announcement is expected in February of 2024 with a pre-proposal deadline currently expected for April of 2024 with final full proposal submission expected in September of 2024.

Read the press announcement here which contains the full pre-announcement document. See more from us with our What is agroecology? explainer.

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