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F2F. From horses to AI: Jennifer Clapp on how fossil fuels shaped agriculture

Episode summary     

Is the battle over who controls and owns agricultural data one of the most important—and least discussed—fights in 21st-century farming? In this conversation, Jennifer Clapp (prof at the University of Waterloo and member of IPES-Food) explores the deep ties between fossil fuels and our food system, tracing their influence from fertilizers and pesticides to farm mechanization and digital agriculture. She unpacks how fossil-fueled inputs have shaped—and continue to shape—modern farming. 

[ Transcript available 

Order Jennifer Clapp's new book: Titans of Industrial Agriculture: How a Few Giant Corporations Came to Dominate the Farm Sector and Why It Matters

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rob yorke
environmental commentator and moderator
18-02-2025 14:18
"So it's not moving us away from chemical use entirely. It's not moving us away from reliance on farm mechanization. It's not moving us away from reliance on fertilizer. Instead, it's making the existing system more efficient."

an interesting complex discussion around 'ownership' of data, though suspect we are moving even closer to reliance on farm mechanisation (I, Robot)