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Ep34: Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin on "the power of regenerative movements"

Episode summary

Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin is the founder and director of the Regenerative Agriculture Alliance. He moved to the US from Guatemala in the 1990s. In our conversation we talk about the power of movements, why small-scale farmers in the United States are rarely successful, and the difference between ‘feeding’ the indigenous mindset versus the colonizer mindset. 

[ Transcript available ]


About Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin

Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin began working on economic development projects with indigenous Guatemalan communities in 1988. He served as a consultant for the United Nations Development Program’s Bureau for Latin America and as an advisor to the World Council of Indigenous Peoples. He was a founding member of the Fair-Trade Federation in 1994.

A native Guatemalan, Regi received his agronomy degree from the Escuela Nacional Central de Agricultura, studied at the Universidad de San Carlos in Guatemala, then graduated from Augsburg University in Minneapolis with a major in international business administration and a minor in communications. In 2016 Regi authored In the Shadow of Green Man: My Journey from Poverty and Hunger to Food Security and Hope.

He is currently the owner-founder of Regeneration Farms LLC, and Founder and President of the Regenerative Agriculture Alliance. Regi was awarded a prestigious lifetime Ashoka Fellowship in 2018 for his work in Regenerative Poultry Systems.


Regenerative Agriculture Alliance links

For regenerative poultry training visit:

For information on the regenerative poultry system and to connect with the ecosystems management non-profit arm of the system visit:

To purchase products or to invest in the system visit:


Related resources

Report: Examining competing framings of food system sustainability: agroecology, regenerative agriculture, and nature-based solutions (IPES-Food, 2022)

TABLE visual: Exploring the ebbs of flows of different agricultural movements. What distinguishes regenerative agriculture, organic and agroecology (Carlile and Cusworth, 2021)

TABLE event: A dialogue on Regenerative Agriculture: Why is it taking the world by storm? (2021)

TABLE explainer: What is food sovereignty? (Carlile, Kessler and Garnett, 2021)


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