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Found 218 results

UN Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR) Brief: Synergies between healthy and sustainable diets

Research Library - Published: 19 Apr 2015
… Development Report (GSDR) a group of researchers, including Tara Garnett of the FCRN, proposed that well-designed policies … goals. Citation Bajželj, B., Benton, T. G., Clark, M., Garnett, T.,…

Recording: How to squeeze fat into a sustainable food future

Research Library - Published: 14 Apr 2022
… nutrient: fat. The event, chaired by TABLE director Tara Garnett, included short presentations and several Q&A … was as follows: 0:00-0:05   Welcome and introductions Tara Garnett 0:05-0:15  …

Agriculture and Copenhagen: priorities and possibilities

FCRN Publications - Published: 01 Sep 2009
… was originally published by the   minute(s) read Author(s): Tara Garnett Published: Notes from a presentation given at an …

Animal feed, livestock and GHG emissions: What are the issues?

Research Library - Published: 01 May 2007
… the Society of Animal Feed Technologists in January 2007 by Tara Garnett. See the attachment below. Post a new comment » Your …

Discussions, sustainable intensification and land-grabs...

Blog post - Published: 10 Jul 2014
… Richard Young of the Sustainable Food Trust and the FCRN’s Tara Garnett on the role of grazing livestock in a sustainable food system.  Last week Richard responded to Tara’s earlier set of comments…