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WorldWatch Institute State of the World 2009 report

Into a Warming World

The report considers the following: How do we adapt to the warming that is headed our way, no matter what we do now? How will the world deal with the fact that the climate burden will fall heaviest on countries whose contributions to climate change have been the most modest?

Into a Warming World

The report considers the following: How do we adapt to the warming that is headed our way, no matter what we do now? How will the world deal with the fact that the climate burden will fall heaviest on countries whose contributions to climate change have been the most modest?

And even as we struggle to adapt, how does society maintain focus on slashing emissions to a pale shadow of their current levels? As the drive to advance living standards continues and the world population continues to grow, what new technologies, behaviors, institutions and agreements, and even ways of governing will emerge from this challenge?

How will the poor fare in face of the greatest threat to economic development the world has ever seen? With the right approach, could we actually end up with more rather than less prosperity and well-being as a result? The report contains contributions from 47 experts from a range of different fields.

You can download the chapters here.

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