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What does the Global Nutrition Report mean for research?

In this article from Scidev, Laurence Haddad (senior research fellow at the International Food Policy Research Institute and former director at the Institute of Development Studies) discusses the new Global Nutrition Report by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

In his discussion of the report, he considers the following key questions the need to be considered further:

  • When will we have more randomised, long-term studies?
  • Why are some countries high achievers?
  • How do we make sense of data on wasting?
  • How do we match interventions to different country contexts?
  • What’s the link between country research investments and nutrition outcomes?
  • Does funding usually match nutrition priorities?
  • How does the private sector affect nutrition?
  • Do social accountability tools work?
  • What are the returns on data collection?
  • What policies lead to more sustainable diets?

He also notes that the report is largely silent on links between climate and nutrition and writes:

“Finally, climate and nutrition. The report was relatively silent on this, but it is an emerging area and this is an important year for climate talks. On the mitigation side, one idea is to form new alliances under the banner of sustainable and healthy diets. Alliances or not, what are the policy levers that will lead us towards these sustainable diets? And on the adaptation side, what should nutrition programmers be doing differently in the context of greater climate uncertainty?” 

Read the full article here.

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