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Vegan food now a legal right in Californian hospitals and prisons

Image: Scott Veg, Veggie Loaf Prison Food, Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic
Image: Scott Veg, Veggie Loaf Prison Food, Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic

A new law requires that state institutions such as hospitals, nursing homes and prisons in California must provide a vegan menu option. The move has been welcomed by health and animal welfare campaigners.

It isn’t clear whether the move will save money or not, as studies of the cost of prison food have reached differing conclusions. A previous cost-cutting exercise saw meat removed from the menu in Arizona prisons, but the food was described as “disgusting” and some inmates went on hunger strike (read more here). The removal of meat on that occasion was in addition to cost-cutting measures such as only two meals being served a day and salt and pepper not being available.

Read the full story here. See also the Foodsource chapter What is a healthy sustainable eating pattern?

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