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UK - major increase in sales of higher welfare chicken

This press release from the RSPCA suggests that people can be persuaded to think about more than price.

This press release from the RSPCA suggests that people can be persuaded to think about more than price.

New research commissioned by the RSPCA finds that people are choosing to buy more Freedom Food labelled indoor chicken than ever before, whilst standard chicken is taking a downturn. The research - carried out by Kantar Worldpanel for RSPCA Freedom Food - revealed growth and spend on Freedom Food indoor reared chicken is far outstripping standard, with £55.2 million increase in consumer spending on Freedom Food labelled chicken (from £16.4 million to £71.6 million) since March last year. This compares to a drop of more than £26 million for standard chicken.

The growth in the amount of Freedom Food chicken sold in supermarkets has also overtaken standard up more than 15 million kg - from 5.6 to 20.7 million - compared to a decrease of 11 million for standard. This news comes more than two years after chicken welfare hit the headlines with high profile campaigns by Jamie Oliver and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall. The research shows that Sainsbury’s is the largest retailer of Freedom Food chicken, followed by Tesco and then Morrisons.
Read the press release here.

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