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UK - grocery waste sent packing: Courtauld 2 launched

Phase two of the Courtauld commitment has been launched – for info the Courtauld Commitment is a voluntary agreement developed by the Waste Resources Action Programme. It is aimed at improving resource efficiency and reducing the carbon and wider environmental impact of the grocery retail sector Phase one was launched in 2005.

Phase two moves away from solely weight-based targets and aims to achieve more sustainable use of resources over the entire lifecycle of products, throughout the whole supply chain.

The three new targets focus on:

  • Packaging: to reduce the weight, increase recycling rates and increase the recycled content of all grocery packaging, as appropriate. Through these measures the aim is to reduce the carbon impact of this grocery packaging by 10%.
  • Household food and waste: to reduce UK household food and drink wastes by 4%.
  • Supply chain product and packaging waste: to reduce traditional grocery product and packaging waste in the grocery supply chain by 5% - this includes both solid and liquid wastes.

29 major retailers and brand owners have so far signed up to Courtauld Commitment 2. For more information see here.

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