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Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Transitions to Sustainability

FCRN member Colin Sage from University College Cork, Ireland, is co-editor of this book. The following information was provided:

The book shows how through an open and collegiate spirit of inquiry the most pressing and multifaceted issue of contemporary societal (un)sustainability can be addressed and understood in a way that transcends narrow disciplinary work. It also provides a practical exemplar of how far more meaningful deliberation, understandings and options for action in relation to contemporary sustainability-related crises can emerge than could otherwise be achieved. Indeed it helps demonstrate how only through a transdisciplinary ethos and approach can real progress be achieved.



Byrne, E., Mullally, G. and Sage, C. eds., 2016. Transdisciplinary perspectives on transitions to sustainability. Routledge.

For further details, see here

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