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Towards a European food and nutrition policy

This report by researchers at Wageningen University considers current food policies and practices in the EU, as well as the potential for change in the future.

The researchers argue that starting from the Food2030 agenda, EU policy goals for food, nutrition and health should include:

  • balanced and sufficient diets for all citizens,
  • reduced environmental impact (both in and outside the EU),
  • viable and socially balanced agri-food business (in and outside the EU),
  • contributions to global food security through socio-economic connectivity,
  • interdisciplinary and in-depth research, data linkage & exchange,
  • and public-private collaboration

To download the report, see here.


van't Veer, P., Poppe, K.J. and Fresco, L.O., 2017. Towards a European Food and Nutrition Policy. Wageningen University & Research.

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